Pathways to Employment - Detailed Features

General Overview


The "Pathways to Employment" platform is crafted using a modern web technology stack to provide a robust solution for assisting individuals with disabilities in acquiring vital job and life skills. The application leverages React for dynamic front-end interactions and Express.js to handle back-end services efficiently, ensuring seamless user experiences.

User Profiles

User Profile 1 User Profile 2 User Profile 3

Each user profile on the platform is tailored to show personalized information, including registered classes and upcoming events. This is supported by React's state management, which dynamically updates user-specific content without reloading the page, enhancing the user experience.

Calendar and Class Management

Calendar Classes List My Classes

The platform features a comprehensive scheduling system using React Big Calendar, allowing staff to manage class schedules interactively. The system includes functionalities for adding, editing, and removing events, which are instantly synchronized across user views thanks to the efficient state handling by React and real-time data updates from Express.js.

Shopping and Checkout

Shopping Cart Checkout Page

The customized cart and checkout system is designed to handle transactions smoothly and securely. It integrates Stripe for payment processing, providing a robust and secure environment for financial transactions. This section showcases the integration of external APIs and the handling of sensitive user data.

Customized Authentication

Login Page

The application's custom OAuth setup includes options for traditional email/password and Google sign-in, demonstrating advanced security practices and integration of third-party authentication services. This feature highlights the use of modern authentication frameworks to protect user data and simplify login processes.